
Jolanta Maziarz

Jolanta Maziarz focuses her practice on zoning and land use law, all aspects of local government law,
real estate, redevelopment and litigation related to these practice areas. She represents local governing
bodies, planning and zoning boards, real estate developers, and non-profit and for-profit entities.

Confident woman in business attire, smiling.


Jolanta was formerly the managing member of the Law Office of Jolanta Maziarz, LLC, where she principally represented and advised local governing bodies and boards. Throughout her legal career, she has represented public and private entities in a variety of matters related to land use and redevelopment, real estate, and local government law throughout Hunterdon, Mercer, Monmouth, Morris, Somerset and Union Counties. She also served as affordable housing counsel and was appointed special litigation counsel and special conflict counsel by municipalities over the years. Along with her work in the public sector, Jolanta represents private entities, both non-profit and for-profit, in matters related to general representation, real estate transactions and leasing, and land use, zoning, and redevelopment applications, agreements, and permitting. 

In addition to her professional experience, Jolanta is appointed as an Associate Attorney to the New Jersey Planning Officials Association and serves as an instructor to newly appointed planning and zoning board members throughout the state. She is also a member and trustee of the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys and appears as a lecturer and panelist at conferences and seminars including the annual New Jersey State League of Municipalities Conference. Previously, Jolanta served as an elected official on the Warren Township Committee in Somerset County for one term and was appointed counsel to the Somerset County Governing Officials Association for over a decade. She also served as the Deputy Chairperson of the Land Use, Environment and Community Development Legislative Subcommittee of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities for ten years.


  • Seton Hall University School of Law, J.D.
  • Hunter College, B.A.


  • New Jersey League of Municipalities Legislative Subcommittee: Land Use, Deputy Chair, 2012 – 2022
  • New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys, Trustee 2016 – Present 
  • New Jersey Planning Officials Association, Associate Attorney 2020 – Present

Practice Areas

How Can I Help You?

Municipal | Public Bodies Law

Our attorneys have represented the largest city in the state, suburban boroughs and even municipalities with special charters. We are experienced in municipal contracting and have substantial experience negotiating agreements for the procurement of potable water and the operation and maintenance of municipal utility systems.

Land Use | Real Estate | Redevelopment

Whether the matter is complex or simple our attorneys can handle all aspects of the land use process. Moreover, the firm’s attorneys can add value to the process by making optimal use of statutes that permit payments in lieu of real estate taxes.